How to Eat to Raise Your HDL
Incorporate healthy fats and oils into your diet. Healthy fats contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. The American Heart Association says omega-3 fats can lower triglycerides (bad fats) in the blood. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that Eskimos who eat fatty fish have been shown to have increased HDL (good cholesterol) and lower bad cholesterol in their blood.
Eat omega-3 rich foods on a daily basis such as salmon, almonds, walnuts and avocados, and supplement with cod liver oil.
Cook your food with coconut oil rather than canola, lard or other oils that contain bad fats. Other good choices include olive oil, sunflower oil or grape seed oil. Bake or steam your food rather than frying whenever possible.
Choose the right types of meat. Meat such as pork and beef contain high amounts of bad cholesterol. However, buffalo, chicken and turkey contain low amounts of bad cholesterol and high amounts of good HDL cholesterol. Cook turkey bacon instead of pork and make buffalo spaghetti, instead of beef spaghetti. Salmon is also a good choice because it contains omega-3 fats. Avoid catfish, lobster or other fish that doesn't contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Add garlic to your meals as often as possible.
Avoid eating foods that are high in LDL (bad cholesterol.) You must also lower your bad cholesterol levels to increase good cholesterol in the blood. Stay away from processed foods, fast food, fried foods and fat laden desserts.
Eat five or more servings of vegetables, legumes, fruit or other fiber rich foods each day. Eat oatmeal with raisins for breakfast or snack on dates when you get hungry. Apples and carrots are also good heart-healthy choices.
Drink one glass of wine every week. The Mayo Clinic says that moderate use of alcohol is linked to higher HDL levels in the blood.