How to Reduce High Cholesterol Food Intake
Things You'll Need
- Cod liver oil
- Coconut oil
- Grape seed oil
- Olive oil
Eat foods that are high in fiber such as apples, oatmeal, oat bran and barley. The Mayo Clinic says oatmeal contains soluble fiber which reduces LDL (bad cholesterol.) Other high-fiber foods include carrots, prunes, bananas, eggplant and other vegetables.
Eat foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, almonds, nuts and halibut. The Mayo Clinic says eating omega-3 rich foods is another way to lower cholesterol. These healthy fats protect the heart and other organs in the body. You can also take cod liver oil supplements to get a daily dose of omega-3 fats.
Steam or bake your food, rather than frying it. Avoid using margarine or butter when cooking. Instead choose oils that are high omega-3 fats such as coconut oil, extra virgin grape seed or extra virgin olive oil. Never cook with lard or processed oils because these contain high amounts of bad cholesterol.
Read food labels when shopping for groceries. Many processed foods contain high amounts of bad cholesterol. Find out what types of oils are used in the food. Don't buy packaged foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat or canola oil.
Order salads and fiber-rich options when eating out at restaurants.
Avoid foods that are high in bad cholesterol such as potato chips, fried foods, fast food and fat-laden desserts.