How to Lower Cholesterol With Fish
Eat at least two servings of fish each week. Each serving should be 3.5 oz. or 3/4 cup of flaked fish. Bake or grill it to avoiding adding extra unwanted fats in the form of oil or butter.
Take omega-3 or fish oil supplements if you don't like to eat fish. You should take 4 to 6 g of fish oil capsules every day.
Choose coldwater fish with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids, including mackerel, lake trout, herring, salmon and halibut. These fish contain two kids of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These fats are unsaturated and are best at lowering cholesterol levels.
Have a tuna salad sandwich made with low-fat mayonnaise on whole-grain bread or tuna salad on lettuce for lunch. Canned fish is just as good as fresh or frozen fish at lowering cholesterol.
Add anchovies to your Caesar salad. Anchovies could be a way to add fish oil if you don't like other types of fish.
Eat herring on crackers for a snack as another way to add omega-3 fatty acids. Fish doesn't always have to be for dinner.