The Best Superfoods for Health
The pomegranate is considered one of nature's superfoods because of its high levels of folic acid, fiber, Vitamin C and polyphenols which are high-powered antioxidants. Pomegranates have been popular for many years in the Middle East and Mediterranean, but were not widely available in the United States since 2004. Most supermarkets now carry this healthy and tasty fruit. Many people enjoy the health benefits from pomegranate in juice, but you can also eat the tart seeds inside the fruit. Adding pomegranate to your daily diet could help lower your risk of heart disease, reduce hypertension risks and prevent premature aging.
Nuts are a popular addition to salads and recipes and many people enjoy them as a snack. Apart from their great taste, you now have more reasons to enjoy nuts in moderate amounts each day. Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts are considered superfoods because they help lower our levels of bad or LDL cholesterol, without causing our levels of good or HDL cholesterol to plummet. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, nuts also help promote good heart health. When adding nuts to your daily diet, be sure to stick to moderate amounts of no more than one ounce a day, as they are high in calories too.
Pumpkin Seeds
In addition to nuts, seeds provide many health benefits. Pumpkin seeds are now considered a superfood and are available in ready-to-eat packs or you can roast your own. A good source of fiber, pumpkin seeds are also known for their high levels of iron and vitamin K. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of protein, making them a handy addition to salads or vegetarian meals. Consuming foods high in protein helps squelch hunger pangs, because it helps you feel full longer. Snacking on pumpkin seeds is a healthy alternative to sugar laden foods. However, pumpkin seeds are high in calories, so keep it to one ounce a day or less.
Kale is a dark green, leafy vegetable that is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. Adding this superfood to your daily diet can prevent or lower high blood pressure. Kale is an often overlooked member of the cabbage family that can liven up salads or eaten braised. When purchasing Kale, avoid bunches that have a yellow cast or are brown in color. Kale should feel crisp, not rubbery. This vegetable usually lasts in your refrigerator for three or four days.