How to Calculate How Many Calories I Ate Today
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
- Computer with Internet access
Keep track of what you eat during the day. Use a notebook to write down the specific types of food, as well the amounts of food that you consume. Use measuring cups and measuring spoons so you have an accurate idea of how much food you ate.
Read the nutritional labels on the food packaging to calculate the number of calories you ate. Remember to pay close attention to the serving size. For instance, a serving size, or 1 cup, of cereal may have 100 calories; a bowl, however, may hold two or three servings.
Go online to learn about the amount of calories in other foods you consume. There are many online resources that provide nutritional information about a plethora of different foods, including those that may not have labels, like fruits and vegetables.
Add up the total amount of calories you ate during the day. A calculator can help you add up the numbers.