How to Eat Healthy When You Are on a Fast

Fasting finds its roots in several different religious histories, such as Muslim and Christian texts. People think of fasting primarily where the participant eats no food. They survive only on water, such as Jesus did for 40 days, according to the New Testament. Today many scientists advise modified fasts that incorporate some form of nutrition to supplement the absence of normal foods. Healthy fasts help clean the body of toxins and potentially break habits of poor diet. Fasts can last for one meal up to a month, depending on the type of fast and goals for the fast.


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      Start slow with a fast. The first time you fast make a goal of a one-day fast from solid foods, except for raw fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water and juices.

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      Plan a complete fast from foods for a couple of days. Drink only water. Water rinses toxins away from the body and aids the liver in providing energy-producing glucose. Eat raw vegetables or fruit at the end of the second day to slowly ease your digestive system back into solid foods.

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      Eat only yogurt three times daily along with water for a day to week-long fast. Yogurt provides nutrients the body needs including calcium.

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      Drink only juice and water for an extended fast. Many have gone up to 30 days living only on water and juice from both fruit and vegetables. Juices aid the digestive system better than water alone, and provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for the body.

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      Modify a juice fast if you struggle with blood sugar level conditions such as diabetes or hypoglycemia. Adding slices of avocado and banana slows digestion and helps maintain the blood sugar level.

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