Fruits That Contain Glucose
Many fruits contain a variety of different sugars, both complex and simple, including glucose, fructose and starch. However, although the consumption of sugar is often linked to weight gain, for most people the health benefits of fruit far outweigh its carbohydrate content.
Dates contain significantly more glucose than most other fruits. Dates are 32 percent glucose. While starch is not found in dates, 23.7 percent of it was made of fructose and 8.2 per cent of sucrose, both of which are other forms of sugar. Dates also have a relatively high glycemic index, or GI. This is a measure of how quickly glucose is released into the blood stream by certain foods. Dates have a GI of 103, and foods with a low GI are the best for controlling blood sugar swings and encouraging brain function and concentration, so dates may not be the best fruit to eat for sustained energy.
Cantaloupe Melons
Cantaloupe melons whave a small amount of glucose compared to dates. They consist of a relatively small amount of fructose at 0.83 per cent, while 3.26 per cent of the fruit is sucrose.
Apples contain significantly less carbohydrates than dates. Glucose made up for around 2 percent of the composition of each variety of apple. Apples are also one of the only fruits that contain starch. Apples contain a larger proportion of fructose to glucose, with the sugar accounting for 7.25 percent of Empire eating apples. The most "intestinal friendly" foods tend to be those that contain a larger amount of glucose to fructose. This means that apples may be less suitable for those with irritable bowel syndrome.
However, they may be a good choice of fruit for those with diabetes or people who are looking for food to help them concentrate, as the Franklin Institute reports they have a lower GI of 38.
Bananas are 5.82 percent glucose, 3.78 percent fructose and 6.58 percent sucrose. They also contain starch, which made up 3.82 per cent of the fruit. Bananas also contain fiber and provide an instant boost of energy. This fruit has a relatively high GI of 62.