How to Feed a Family Cheap & Healthy Food
Plan your meals for the entire week. Include snacks, beverages and other food items on the list that you need to stock up on such as olive oil. Make sure you write down everything that you might need for a recipe. Planning your meals and making lists helps to ensure that you don't buy excess food that you don't need.
Buy organic food and other healthy foods that you can store for long periods, such as beans, raisins and whole-wheat pasta, in bulk to save money. Go shopping for these items once a month or every other month and incorporate these foods into your recipes to cut your main grocery bill down.
Buy vegetables and fruits that are in season; they are cheaper then and probably more nutritious as well. You may find some in-season organic food as well -- though organic food, because of its higher price, may not be an option for everyone. Thoroughly wash nonorganic produce before eating to clean off pesticides and other residues, so that the food is more healthy before serving it to your family.
Use coupons for healthy foods such as milk, eggs, cheese and other foods that you can buy at the grocery store. You may see plenty of coupons for cakes, desserts and other foods in the paper, but throw these away and only use coupons for good food choices.
Shop at local farmer's markets as often as possible and look for specials. Some farmers mark down certain types of produce because they need to sell it quickly to make room for more. Many organic options are also found at farmer's markets.
Join a local food co-op. Food co-ops operate on a volunteer basis, so the food is generally lower than some grocery stores. Look in the paper for a co-op in your area.