How to Improve an Unhealthy Diet
Stock the house only with healthy foods, as you are less likely eat junk food when there is none around for a quick fix. Make a list before going to the store, and stick to it. Include items such as vegetables, fruit, lean meats and water, and avoid soda, chips, processed foods and other fat-laden options. Healthy, unprocessed foods are usually found on the outer ring of the grocery store, while junk food and packaged items are located in the middle isles. Avoid these isles, and don't go to the store hungry -- you're more likely to buy junk food on impulse when you shop hungry.
Avoid eating around people who make poor food choices. Eat alone or encourage other family members to eat better.
Choose salads, salmon, chicken or low-fat sub sandwiches when eating out. Avoid fast food burger restaurants. When ordering sandwiches, ask for mustard instead of fatty mayonnaise.
Choose healthy fats and oils, such as olive, grape seed and sunflower oils, rather than canola or overly processed fats. Eat avocados and nuts too, as these foods contain heart healthy omega-3 fats.
Drink water instead of soda or other sugary beverages. Your body needs to be hydrated to function properly, so drink eight or more glasses of water a day. Listen to the demands of your body, and drink more when you spend time in the sun or work out. Drink green tea with stevia, or another healthy sweetener, if you crave a sweet drink.