How to Strengthen a Child's Immune System
Things You'll Need
- Children's multi-vitamin with trace elements
- Juice infused with vegetables and fruit
Give the child a multivitamin with trace elements every day to combat fatigue and boost immunity. Provide a glass of orange juice with the vitamin to break down the calcium in the tablet. Too much of some vitamins can be toxic, so follow the dosage instructions on the vitamin packaging.
A box of chocolate can put a child's immune system in a tail spin. Pack a nutritious meal for the child and include fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grain bread with lean meat. Include a juice infused with vegetables and fruit if the child doesn't get enough with meals. A high-carbohydrate meal of pizza or spaghetti will cause the child to get sleepy after meals. Balance the nutrition with healthy snacks such as yogurt, grapes or a granola bar. Avoid feeding a child high-fat and high-sugar foods, which lead to a depletion of the immune system. Don't allow a child to drink or eat any foods that may cause an allergic reaction; over time that can break down the wall of the intestines. The immune system is compromised with a leaky gut syndrome in children.
Turn all the lights off in the bedroom to enhance the child's sleep quality. Insist the child gets eight hours of sleep or more. Maintain a set bedtime for school days. Remove all night lights and other lights that may disturb the delicate balance of serotonin levels. To achieve the benefits of a full night of sleep, the room must be dark, quiet and comfortable.
Make the child a nutritious breakfast with protein to get the mind alert and the immune system strong. Eggs, a low-fat sausage and whole grain toast with fruit can help keep a child focused all day.
Go outside and play with the kids. Join children outdoors for family sports, throwing a baseball or rollerskating. The immune system requires physical activity and weight-bearing exercise to help the body stay healthy. Get kids excited about outdoor sports such as baseball, hockey, swimming or horseback riding.
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