How to Get Nine Helpings of Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet
Getting the Fruits and Vegetables You Need Daily
Make the commitment. Decide today to make the decision to treat your body better by adding at least nine servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Tell others about your plan, and ask them to hold you to it. Once you've made the commitment, keep your word. If you take the decision seriously, you'll be more likely to achieve the intended results -- a body that looks, feels and functions better.
Educate yourself. Find out what a "serving" means. Does just one carrot count? How many grapes or strawberries constitute a serving? Resources such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture's website can provide you with this information.
Stock your fridge and pantry. Go to the grocery store and purchase plenty of fruits and vegetables. Having these items on hand and readily available will make it easier to stick to your plan. Start by buying items that you know you'll enjoy and make sure they are fresh and easy to prepare.
Add some of your favorite fruits and vegetables to your regular diet. Making a commitment to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet does not mean you have to change it altogether. You can start by making small changes such as adding bananas to your morning cereal or eating a side salad in addition to your normal dinner entree. The more you experience success, the more motivated you will be to make even bigger changes in the future.
Try some new recipes. Once you've gotten the knack of adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, you can begin expanding your options by trying out new recipes. As they say, variety is the spice of life, and in this case, it may make the difference between sticking to your plan and becoming bored or uninterested.