Ways to Bring the pH Level in the Body Up
Things You'll Need
- Home pH test
Determine the pH of the fluids in your body. You can have this measured by a medical professional or using an at-home pH test. Normal pH in the human body is between six and a half and seven and a half. If your pH level is too acidic, you may experience problems such as weight gain, lethargy or slow digestion. This test will help you tell you by how much you need to raise the pH of your body.
Increase the amount of alkalizing foods in your diet. Some examples of foods that are alkalizing are green leafy vegetables such as spinach, watercress and beet greens, cherries, pineapple, molasses and dried beans.
Reduce the amount of acidic food in you ingest. Acidic foods include things like alcohol, beef, oil, white flour, nuts and milk. Acidic foods will lower your pH level.