How to Prevent Flatulence From Foods

Having flatulence can be embarrassing. The average person passes gas up to 14 times a day, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Gas is caused by swallowing air and the natural breakdown of food. Some substances, such as carbohydrates and sugar, can create more gas than is desirable. Adding too much fiber to your diet can also result in excessive flatulence.

Things You'll Need

  • Activated charcoal
  • Lactase supplement
  • Digestive aid
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      Don't eat as much of the offending foods.

      Alter your diet. Limit gas-causing foods. Foods like broccoli, prunes, peaches and cauliflower contribute to gas production.

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      Don't consume as much fat.

      Cut back on fatty foods. Fatty foods cause bloating. Fat hinders the emptying of your stomach, as noted by Mayo Clinic. The less fat in your diet, the easier it is for gas to move through your intestines.

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      Take activated charcoal. Activated charcoal comes in tablets and can be ingested prior to eating.

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      Take a lactase supplement when you suffer from lactose intolerance. Implementing lactose-free dairy foods in your diet can also reduce gas.

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      Use a digestive aid. Digestive aids are taken prior to eating to help break down the sugars in vegetables and beans.

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