Government Guidelines for Healthy Eating in Children
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Science spells out its recommendations in the "My Pyramid" program. Parents should try to make sure that children eat 6 oz. of grains each day (preferably whole grain cereal and whole wheat bread); a range of vegetables (2 1/2 cups a day); 1 1/2 cups of fruit a day; three cups of milk (low fat or fat-free) a day (two cups for children ages 2 to 8) and 5 oz. a day of lean meat or fish. Nuts and seeds are also good choices.
Parents should choose healthy cooking methods like baking, broiling or grilling and avoid fried food.
Eating well is a step in the right direction towards a healthy life, but the government also believes that children should exercise more. It suggests around 60 minutes of activity every day on most days, but this can include fun activities such as dance or rollerblading.