How to Keep Yourself Healthy with Kitchen Appliance Juicers
How to choose a juicer? There are many kinds of juicer on the market today, from the simple lemon squeezer to state-of-the-art juice extractors. So which one should you choose , you want to consider your budget, the size of your family or if you are a vegetarian. In my opinion you should get the best and strongest that you can afford so you are not tempted to put it away in the cupboard and forget about it. You want to keep this kitchen appliance on the counter where you see it. Mixers and blenders can also be used.
How long can you keep the juice for? If you squeeze fresh orange juice you want to drink it right away. The reason for this is because it will start to separate in a matter of moments. Oxidization starts to happen within minutes, depending on the kind of juice. Another way to look at it - think of an apple and how quickly it turns brown. The apple is still edible, but it's better for you, not to mention tastier if you juice it and drink it right away. The antioxidants in the juice will absorb any excess free radicals within your body to help prevent cell damage by these free radicals.
How many ingredients do I need? The fewer the better. If you start to add too many flavors, your drink will taste very fruity and be very thick like a milkshake. Some juices, like beetroot and spinach are good for you in small quantities, but not so good for you in large quantities. Beets are famous as a blood tonic and are full of vitamins - A, B group, C, potassium, calcium and iron. They are good for blood pressure, protect against anemia, and promote overall good health. Spinach contains oxalic acid which stops other vitamins from being used by the body. You want to mix small amount of your favorite juices like apples and oranges which both contain vitamin C.
Sweet and Salt? Fruits today often do not get a chance to ripen on the tree, so they are sour in taste. You can add sugar or honey (which is sugar) to sweetener up your drink or you can use one of natures natural sweetener - apple juice. Some vegetable juices could use a pinch of salt to spice up their flavor. But if you do not approve of salt like me, try squeezing a little bit of lemon juice.
Tonics from herbs and spices: Herbs and spices are age-old ways to flavor food and influence the body and mind. Rosemary tea will wake you up and lavender tea will help you sleep. Ordinary tea will perk you up. Cardamom and ginger will calm an upset stomach. Star anise and lemon are just simply comforting.