How to Measure Your Body Fat Count
Determine your weight by weighing yourself on a reliable scale. The scales found in doctor's offices are the most reliable, but a bathroom scale is close enough.
Determine your height. If you're going to see a doctor, ask him to measure your height. Otherwise, stand against a wall and place a small pencil mark on the wall at the top of your head. Use a tape measure to see how many inches tall you are.
Multiply your height, in inches, by itself. Divide your weight by the product. Multiply that number by 703. For example, if you are 72 inches tall and weight 230 lbs., you multiply 72 by 72 and get 5,184. Divide 230 by 5,184, which equals 0.04. Multiply 0.04 by 703, which equals 28.12. This is your BMI percentage.
Step on a BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) body fat scale to get a reliable calculation of your body fat percentage. This scale sends a small electrical current through your body and calculates the fat based on the amount of time it takes for the current to go through. Simply stand on it, and read the results.
Ask your doctor to measure your body fat using a body fat caliper. This measure skin folds to calculate the amount of fat under your skin. It must be performed by a professional.