The Nutrition of White Castle Hamburgers
Fats and Cholesterol
Some discrepancies exist as to the exact amount of fat and cholesterol in a White Castle Hamburger. White Castle's website lists the burger at six grams of fat, two and a half of which is saturated fat. There are ten milligrams of cholesterol. and Self Nutrition Data list the burger as having seven grams of fat, three grams of which are saturated. The amount represents about eleven percent of yours daily fat intake value, and 15 percent of your saturated fat intake value. Saturated fats raise a person's blood cholesterol level which can put them at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Calories are used by the body for energy. One White Castle Hamburger contains approximately 140 calories, according to Sixty of those calories come from fat. The body often stores fat as an energy reserve. Taking in too many calories from fat may lead to weight gain. According to, regular exercise will reduce your body's fat storage. In moderation, the calories from a White Castle burger will not have a major effect on a person's fat storage. The calories from one of the hamburgers could be part of a person's discretionary calories. According to, a person on a 2,000 calorie per day diet should eat at least 1,735 calories of essential nutrients leaving 265 calories for discretion.
Vitamins and Nutrients
White Castle hamburgers contain few vitamins and nutrients. There are six grams of protein in one sandwich and two grams of dietary fiber. The burgers also contain a small amount of calcium, two percent worth according to Self Nutrition Data, and a small amount of iron, four percent according to Self Nutrition Data.
Values Increase with Additions to the Sandwich
The values described above represent one White Castle Hamburger. Increasing the number of hamburgers consumed or adding items to the burger affects the nutritional value. Simply adding cheese, for example, raises the calories to 170, 80 of which come from fat, according to The White Castle Bacon Cheeseburger, for example, contains 190 calories, 100 of which are from fat.