How to Combat Fatigue
Go to your doctor to ensure your fatigue isn't due to any underlying health problems. You may be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). The doctor should be able to talk you through your symptoms and test you for any illnesses.
Get more sleep. It may seem obvious, but getting a better night's sleep can really help people suffering from fatigue. Aim for at least seven hours a night to ensure your body is well rested. To aid dropping off, try putting some lavender essential oil on your pillow. Also try not to watch television or play computer games just before bedtime as this stimulates your mind and keeps you up. Instead try reading a book.
Exercise regularly. Cardiovascular exercise wakes up your nervous system and stimulates your metabolism. This makes it much easier for your body to release energy. Aim to get 30 minutes of exercise every day.
Change your diet. Junk food and a poor diet can really affect how you feel. Foods that are high in sugar give you a short-term energy boost, but then cause your blood sugar levels to dip so that you crash and feel tired. Try to get as many minerals, vitamins and nutrients out of food as possible to energize and power your body. Eating lots of lean protein and fresh fruit and vegetables will instantly make you feel better.