What Are the Benefits of All-Natural Whey Powder?
According to TargetWoman, whey powder can prevent bone-loss associated with age, help the healing of wounds, and encourage the growth of new skin cells after surgery or other trauma.
According to YGoy, all-natural whey powder contains immunoglobulins which help enhance the bodies' immune system. The website also claims that whey powder increases production of glutathione in the body--a powerful antioxidant which can help prevent disease, and decrease the risk of cancer.
Weight Loss
According to TargetWoman, whey powder can help weight loss since it contains the amino acid leucine, which preserves lean muscle and promotes fat loss. The website also states that whey powder contains appetite-suppressing hormones, meaning the consumer feels satisfied from hunger for longer periods.
Other Benefits
According to BodyBuilding, all-natural whey powder can also help in the treatment of Hepatitis B or C, may prevent cardiovascular disease, and decrease risk of osteoporosis.