The Uses of Casein
Building Muscle
Protein helps build muscle and strengthen tissues and casein is a good source of protein. This type of protein contains all of the essential amino acids that your body needs to maintain strength. Casein is a phosphorous-rich protein that makes up 80 percent of the protein found in cows milk, according to"Men's Fitness" magazine. The other 20 percent of milk protein is made from whey proteins. Athletes and consumers alike can buy casein protein powder in the health food store or focus on including milk in their diets. If fat is a concern, buy lowfat or nonfat milk and cheese or simply buy the protein powder form of casein.
Speeding up Muscle Recovery Time
Casein proteins can help speed up muscle recovery time because it moves through the digestive tract much slower than whey protein, according to "Men's Fitness" magazine. The magazine recommends taking the supplement before bed because the slow release of protein throughout the night can help the muscles recover and night time is optimal for tissue and muscle repair. Drink a glass of milk before bed to help you relax and aid muscle recovery.
Meal Replacement
Casein powder is also used in meal replacement shakes. The protein contains amino acids, enzymes and other nutrients that provide enough nutrition to replace a meal without the high caloric amount of a standard meal. You can drink casein protein shakes as part of your weight loss regimen. However, talk to your doctor before drastically altering your diet.