How to Cleanse Your System Safely & Fast

Cleansing the body of toxins, also known as detox, can be a healthy way to remove negative things the body gets clogged up with, if it is done correctly. The website DetoxSafely says that doing a detox is a way to help the body's natural cleaners get a boost of energy when the body becomes overwhelmed with toxins from cigarette smoke, sugar, fried foods, stress and prescription or recreational drugs. They mention detox is best used as a real change in one's living patterns.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Fruits & vegetables
  • Whole foods
  • Vitamins & minerals
  • Organic items
  • Air purifier
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      Drink only sugar free drinks on the first two days of the cleanse. Cutting out sugars in the diet can flush out fats, especially water. The body is made up mostly of water, according to "Nutrition: The Science of Eating," so it is important to get plenty of water each day. Chose juices, teas and other healthy alternatives.

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      Eat raw foods and fresh fruits and vegetables, starting on the third day of the cleanse. This day will begin to get the body ready for whole foods again. Whole grains can help flush the system out, too.

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      Stick with healthy food choices after the three days of the cleanse is done. "William's Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy" says that the fat in red meats can stick in the body for long periods of time, so it is better to choose lean cuts or stick with white meats like chicken and turkey. Avoid fried and processed foods.

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