What Is Dietary Thermogenesis?
Dietary thermogenesis is a term that most often applies to the digestive system. It is the amount of energy, in calories, that must be spent by the body to properly digest and process food. It makes up about 10 percent of the body's total caloric expenditure.
Thermogenesis in general applies to the conversion of extra calories into heat, rather than fat. Research, such as that conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, has shown that thermogenesis induced by a particular diet or dietary supplement can prevent the storage of calories as fat by igniting thermogenesis and converting those calories into heat instead.
This type of dietary thermogenesis, which is caused by diet rather than used by the digestive tract, is highly beneficial to dieters. It uses a natural process to burn off more calories, which in the long run can create a healthier way to diet and fend off obesity.