How to Troubleshoot an Elkay
Things You'll Need
- Screwdriver
- Pliers
- Ohm meter
Inspect the spout to determine if the fountain is continually leaking from the spout, one of the more common issues as fountains age. Look for any cracks in the spout orifice or broken off and damaged spout shields. If you find the spout is in good shape, the fountain more than likely has a bad control valve, which controls the flow of water when you press the bar or button. Locate the model number and call Elkay for a replacement, since these are not repairable.
Leaky fountains are a source of water waste. Check for internal leaking, which is usually discovered when water pools on the floor in front of the fountain. Open the panels on the unit and inspect the push-in fittings, cooling tank, and drain gasket. These are the usual culprits.
Check the seam of the cooling tank. Use your fingers and run them along the entire length of the seam, feeling for any separation signaled by the presence of water. Feel the entire drain gasket and fittings for the presence of water. Call Elkay with the model number and get these replacements.
Determine is the cooler or fountain that is not cooling. Check the simple, less expensive components first before calling a refrigeration specialist. Start with the thermostat, and confirm it is functional.
Test the relays and other electrical components for overload. Call a technician if you discover a coolant leak, or other refrigeration component, needs testing and replacing.
An open thermostat will keep the compressor running. Check the cold thermostat if the unit compressor runs constantly and will not shut off, and the water is cold. Unplug the unit, and use an ohm meter to check the thermostat. If the ohm meter discloses that the thermostat is open, replace the thermostat.
Call a heating and air conditioning specialist to come and check out the unit compressor, if the compressor will not go off, but the water will not get cold. More than likely the compressor is out of coolant.
Check the solenoid valve, if the fountain continues to run water after you release the bar or button that gives you water. Depress the bar or button fully and firmly; then, let it go. Unplug the unit while the water is still running. If the unit continues to run, the solenoid is stuck in the "On" position and needs replacing.