Contraindications for Drinking Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass Sensitivities
Avoid wheatgrass juice if you have allergies or sensitivities to wheatgrass. In people extremely sensitive to wheatgrass, it might cause throat swelling. Also, if wheatgrass is taken in excessive amounts, individuals can experience nausea and headaches. If you are trying wheatgrass for the first time and are concerned about possible allergies, check with your health-care provider first. She might recommend that you drink a small amount of juice to see how your body responds.
High Amount of Vitamin K
Because of a high amount of vitamin K in wheatgrass, people taking Warfarin --- an anticoagulant used to prevent heart attacks, strokes and blood clots --- should not take wheatgrass. Warafin is also sold as Coumadin, Jantoven, Marevan, Lawarin and Waran. Even if you are not taking an anticoagulant and are concerned about possible health contradictions, check with your health-care provider before juicing wheatgrass.
Pregnant and Nursing Mothers
Pregnant and nursing mothers are recommended not to take wheatgrass, though other sources suggest that it is safe in moderate amounts. Nutritionist Dina Aronson, M.S. R.D., who writes for "VegFamily: The Magazine for Vegan
Family Living," recommends not taking wheatgrass because there have not been enough studies done about pregnancy and wheatgrass. However, Organic Wheatgrass Company in Melbourne, Australia, suggests beginning with 1 tsp. of wheatgrass in a glass of water during pregnancy.
If your doctor or midwife supports juicing wheatgrass, look for wheatgrass that is bright green, organic and fresh. Both the grass and soil should smell fresh and be mold-free. Careful selection of the wheatgrass will ensure better quality and better health.