Information on Acacia Foods
The acacia tree is a leguminous plant, often called a spiny tree for its sharp thorns. Characteristics of the tree include leaflets and often, white or yellow flowers. Between 800 to 1300 species of the plant exist worldwide. Many of the species that produce food are grown in Australia, Africa and Asia.
Food Ingredients
In some parts of the world, such as Thailand, acacia seeds are used as an ingredient in foods such as soup, curries and omelets. Honey can also be produced in part from the acacia tree. Honeybees that use the acacia tree for their food source, produce acacia honey. This honey is thought to be a delicacy in some parts of the world due to its flowery aroma. Some acacia trees also produce gum arabic. Gum arabic is used as a stabilizer in candy, chewing gum and soda. It is made from the sap of the acacia tree. In Mexico, acacia seeds are sometimes called guaje seed. When salted, these seeds can be eaten as a snack or used for flavoring meals.
Other Uses
In addition to the many food uses of the acacia tree, gum arabic found in the acacia tree can be used in producing medicine. Other species of the plant are known for producing valuable perfumes, wood and tanning lotions. In addition, acacia trees are sometimes planted by farmers because they enrich soil for growing food.