What Are the Nutrient Contents in Gatorade?
Servings Per Container
A standard 32 oz Gatorade bottle contains four full servings.
Calories are a unit of measure meant to gauge the amount of energy contained in a serving of food. Gatorade has a total of 50 calories per serving and 200 calories per 32 oz bottle.
Fat and Protein
Gatorade is not a significant source of either fat or protein. The nutrition label states that there is 0 g of both.
Sodium is a mineral that is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. It helps to regulate blood pressure and maintain PH levels. Sodium ingestion should be managed, because ingesting too much can lead to high blood pressure and other illnesses. Each serving of Gatorade contains a total of 110 mg of sodium, which makes up 5 percent of the recommended daily serving. Drinking the whole 32 oz bottle will give you 440 mg or 20 percent.
Potassium is another mineral that is essential to a healthy body. This mineral aids in muscle growth and nerve function, and when paired with sodium can help to regulate fluid balance in the body. Gatorade has a total of 30 mg of potassium per serving or 1 percent of the recommended daily value.
Carbohydrates are digested into glucose and provide energy. Gatorade has 14 g of carbs per serving, which makes up 6 percent of your recommended daily intake.
Sugar is a simple form of carbohydrate that should be ingested sparingly. Gatorade contains 14 g of sugar per serving.