List of Whole Grain Carbs
Buckwheat looks similar to corn. Buckwheat is a whole grain carb that is high in amino acids such as lysine and valine in addition to B vitamins. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that buckwheat is not cereal grain because it's made from a fruit seed that is related to the rhubarb plant. Buckwheat is also high in fiber and minerals such as manganese and magnesium. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that this grain may also help prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure in addition to control blood sugar levels. Add buckwheat to your morning oatmeal and other gains. Buckwheat has a rich hearty taste that is similar to other whole grains.
Purchase bulk millet to save money. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that millet has heart protective properties that can also lower a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Millet contains enzymes, amino acids and minerals such as magnesium. You can buy millet in pearled or hulled varieties. The hulled varieties contain the most nutrition because extra nutrients are found in the hull portion of the grain. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that millet can also help prevent gallstones and the fiber contributes to healthy digestion.
Wild barley is often seen growing in open fields or near woodland areas. Barley is another whole grain carb that has heart health benefits. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that barley can lower cholesterol and protect your intestines. Barley is high in fiber, selenium, copper and selenium. Barley is a cereal grain that has a chewy taste similar to pasta. Barley is used to make beer and other foods to enhance the taste and texture. Add barley flakes to soups and other favored dishes or eat barley with your oatmeal. All whole grains are beneficial, however not all people can tolerate whole-grain foods because of food allergies. Talk to your doctor if you experience digestive upsets or other health problems after eating whole grains.