Foods That Increase Dopamine Production
Fish and Supplements
Fish, such as salmon, tuna and a variety of other fish, whether cooked or served raw as in sushi, contain high levels of proteins. Proteins aid in increasing dopamine levels naturally because they are converted into the amino acid tyrosine, which is then further processed to create dopamine. Taking supplements as well, such as vitamin B6 and L-Phenylalanin, also enhance dopamine production in your body.
Fruits and Vegetables
Some of the best fruits and vegetables that increase dopamine production in the body are: apples, peppers, watermelon, dark green vegetables, and beets. The vitamins found naturally in these fruits and vegetables aid in the production of dopamine in the body by providing the necessary chemicals for amino acid production.
Chicken and Soy Products
The high protein levels found in chicken, soy products and cheese can raise dopamine levels in the body. Protein is a basic building block for amino acids that produce dopamine. Consuming foods that are high in protein but low in saturated fats is the healthiest way to provide your body with the proteins it needs to increase dopamine levels.