Beneficial Uses of Lime Juice
Cancer prevention
Limes contain flavonoids called flavonol glycosides. Flavonol glycosides have been included in cancer research due to their ability to stop mitosis (cell division) in specific types of cancer. Some theories suggest the high levels of vitamin C found in limes also prevent certain types of cancers. Drinking lime juice is the best way to take advantage of its anti-cancer properties. Add lime juice and honey to a glass of water for a healing treat.
The lime itself is made up of almost 85 percent moisture, which makes it a moisturizing powerhouse. The skin of the fruit helps the skin of the person, a logic that influenced many forms of ancient medicine. As a moisturizer, the peel is rubbed directly on the skin or added to other ingredients such as aloe vera and vitamin E.
Immune Booster
Lime juice contains over 45 percent of your daily vitamin C. Scurvy, a debilitating disease caused by vitamin C deficiency plaguing ship crews, was no match for the juice of a lime. The juice became a requirement on some ships when fresh vegetables were scarce. Vitamin C naturally enhances the human immune system, which helps prevent colds and supports general health. Cooking with lime juice is an easy way to add vitamin C to your diet. Fresh lime juice can be squeezed over fish or salad and added on top of fruit or a soup.
Cleaning Products
Lime juice is a natural disinfectant. The same properties that make lime juice helpful in healing make it affective on a kitchen counter. Lime juice mixed with ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar can create a sweet-smelling, environmentally friendly cleaning solution.