What Are the Advantages of Mineral Water?

Water is an essential component to sustain life. Humans on average need to drink eight to nine cups of water a day for the body to carry on the necessary functions. The Mayo Clinic states that water helps the body flush out toxins and carry nutrients to cells. Mineral water provides an added advantage to people as it supplies important fluids, and also gives trace minerals and nutrients needed to maintain a healthy diet.
  1. Adds Nutrients

    • Mineral water contains commonly known vitamins and minerals, as well as lesser known components. Mineral water contains sodium which a body needs to exert energy. The more the activity, the more sodium a person needs.

      Sulfates are the salts of the sodium, which according to Fine Waters help the liver in detoxifying poisons from the system. It also helps digestion and stimulates the gall bladder. Too much sulfate, however, can act like a laxative and you should monitor intake.

    Protects Bones

    • Calcium and magnesium are other nutrients that are dissolved in mineral water. A person needs around 800 mg a day of calcium to keep bones strong and to prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium works with calcium to provide energy producing enzymes that stimulate and coordinate muscle and nerve interaction. Individuals may feel dizzy, nervous or acquire headaches without enough magnesium.

      Fluorine is another trace mineral that provides nutrients to keep bones and teeth healthy. Commonly known as fluoride, this mineral keeps teeth and bones strong, and aids in preventing bone and gum infection. As with sulfate, too much of fluorine has a negative effect on humans. Large quantities of fluorine is toxic.

    Strengthens Heart

    • Mineral water can also strengthen the heart. A study done in the European Journal of Clinical Medicine found that adding folic acid and other vitamins to mineral water decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Other elements in mineral water include silica and potassium. These elements help the heart function and reduce heart disease.

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