Portion and Serving Size
Food Pyramid
The USDA food pyramid details how many portions in one day you should eat. It is suggested that you should eat six to 11 servings of grains, two to four servings of fruit, three to five servings of vegetables, two to three servings of dairy, two to three servings of meat, and sparing amounts of sugar and fats.
USDA Guidelines
Make sure to understand the USDA recommendations for daily food intake.A serving of meat is about three ounces. A serving of bread is equal to one slice of white or whole grain bread, one ounce of prepared cereal, or just one half cup of pasta or rice. A serving of fruit or vegetable is equal to one piece or one half a cup of chopped fruit or vegetable. A serving of dairy is equal to one cup of milk or one and one half ounces of cheese.
Getting Size Right
There are some easy ways to guess at how much makes up one serving size of each food. Meat portions should be about the size of a deck of playing cards. One piece of fruit about the size of a fist is good for a portion of fruit. For packaged foods, the proper serving sides will be included in the nutritional information.