Deionized Water Vs. Tap Water
Deionized water is water that has had minerals removed. These minerals include sodium, iron, copper, calcium and bromide. It is done by exposing the water to an electrical charge which draws in the minerals and removes them. Deionized water is used in the pharmaceuticals industry, chemical production and manufacturing leather goods.
According to the American Water Works Association, tap water in the United States is in most part, safe to drink. The most common complaints regarding tap water are associated with taste or odor, usually due to the chlorine content. As chlorine is subtracted from deionized water, it has a better taste.
It is possible to purchase home kits to deionize water and some retailers are marketing them as an alternative to the "impure" tap water available in most homes. The process of deionization doesn't remove bacteria or viruses, as these aren't attracted to the electrical charge during the process in the same way minerals are.