Foods That Boost Your Serotonin
Light Carbohydrates
Carbs help to give you a quick boost of serotonin in the brain. However, this boost is only short lived, and you should not overdo it to continue to get the lift. Eat a "good" carbs, like the kinds found in fruits and vegetable, as opposed to stocking up on foods high in sugar to get the lift.
Foods high in protein give your body a surge of serotonin and quite a bit of tryptophan. Eat plenty of fish, chicken, cheese, turkey and eggs along with vegetables for this boost. To stay healthy (and happier), indulge in lean fish and chicken to prevent adding on pounds.
Good Fat
There is such a thing as "good" fat. The fat found in nuts, peanut butter, fish, oils and avocados will boost your serotonin production. Enjoy salmon, tuna (keep in mind that a lot of tuna contains mercury), flaxseed oil, almond and olive oil and plenty of nuts.
Fish Oil
The fatty acid in fish oil can help your brain regulate your mood. If you're not sure how to cook with fish oil, buy fish oil supplements, which can be found at any drug, grocery or vitamin store.