Alternative Milk Products
Soy Milk
Soy milk is strategically the king of the alternative milk department for a reason. Nutritionally, it's the closest to the real thing, packing calcium and other macro nutrients found in cow's milk. When shopping for soy milk, Matthew Kadey of states, you should only buy that which is fortified with additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Almond Milk
Like soy, almond milk is creamy, healthy and can provide necessary nutrients such as vitamin E and calcium. It won't curdle in high temperature, meaning it's perfect for replacement in recipes calling for dairy. Almost all the fat in soy and other milk alternatives is healthy unsaturated fat. Cow's milk contains saturated fat.
Rice Milk
Rice milk boasts a somewhat sweet taste and relatively pleasant, smooth texture. As an added bonus, rice is one of the least allergenic foods. This means that rice milk, alongside with being free of lactose, is enjoyable for a wide variety of people for an ever growing number of uses. Unfortunately, rice milk doesn't offer other nutritional aspects. It has little protein, unlike soy milk, and has more sugar.
Oat Milk
Oat milk is somewhat sweet and light and packs more protein than rice or almond milk. Oat milk even packs in a few grams of healthy fiber. The soluble fiber in oats can work to reduce cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, oat milk contains a relatively high amount of natural sugar.