Diets for Teens Active in Sports
Teenagers active in sports need water. Without enough water, teens can dehydrate quickly, especially if they're involved with sports. When athletes sweat, they lose water, so have your teen drink water before, during and after practices, games or training. Teens should drink every 15 to 20 minutes during the activity even if they don't feel thirsty.
According to The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, if the teen is active for more than 90 minutes, a sports drink might be beneficial. Sports drinks re-establish electrolytes that may have been lost with sweating. These drinks also contain carbohydrates, which can replace energy that was lost during a workout.
Carbohydrates equal energy, and teens need enough energy to participate in sports activities. According to the President's Council, carbohydrates should make up more than half your daily calories. You can find healthy carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables and grains. Focus on consuming whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice and whole-wheat bread. Whole grains provide a healthy amount of fiber along with the carbohydrates. This fiber isn't usually found in processed carbohydrates like white bread and sugar-heavy items like candy bars.
Iron, Calcium and Vitamins
Teens who are active in sports need more iron than those not involved with sports. This is because iron helps with the delivery of oxygen that active muscles need. A low iron level may cause the athlete to tire more quickly because he doesn't have the stamina she needs for her activity level. Green leafy vegetables, lean red meats and fortified cereals will all provide your teen with the iron she needs.
Whether teens participate in sports or not, they need enough calcium to support their growing bones. The stronger the bones, the less likely a teen may experience a stress fracture or break. Dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese can help your teen get enough calcium.
If your teen is eating a balanced diet, she doesn't need to worry about getting enough vitamins. However, if she is active and a vegetarian, she may need to take a multivitamin or mineral pill to compensate for nutrients that may be lacking in her diet.
Some active teens need more protein than those who are less active, but most get enough with a regular diet. Focus on protein sources like eggs, poultry, nuts and lean meats. Too much protein can cause dehydration, kidney issues and loss in calcium. According to The President's Council, if you take in extra protein, it will either get flushed out of the body or be stored as fat. Muscle development is a result of how hard the training is, calorie intake and genes, not how much protein is taken in.
On Game Day
According to Teens Health from Nemours, teens should eat a meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins two to four hours before the game or active event. An example would be spaghetti and tomato sauce. Consume a snack one to two hours before the game. Eat something like carrots and crackers.