Foods That Trigger the Release of Dopamine
A banana is a fruit that triggers the release of dopamine. Fruits like apples and bananas are excellent foods that trigger the release of dopamine. Bananas contain an amino acid called tyrosine which is the most important stimulant for the brain to produce dopamine. The brown spots on the banana contain the highest amount of dopamine. explains that adding bananas to a diet may helps treat symptoms of depression. Apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Quercetin works to preserve dopamine levels in the body by protecting the dopamine cells from getting destroyed. Other fruits trigger the release of dopamine are blueberries, cranberries, prunes, and strawberries.
Eating foods high in amino acids will trigger the release of dopamine. Proteins hold an amino acid called tyrosine which triggers the release of dopamine after entering the body. Dopamine is found in foods such as almonds, cheese, chicken, fish, and any other protein containing Omega 3 fatty acids. Dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt contain protein. Black beans, chick peas, lima beans, and fava beans are all sources of rich protein foods that will help trigger dopamine. Eggs are a source of protein and contain choline, which is a vitamin that helps improve concentration and memory. Almonds are nuts loaded with protein but should be eaten in moderation because they can cause weight gain and headaches.
Chocolate contains phenylalanine, which is an essential amino acid that turns into tyrosine. The University of Maryland explains that tyrosine is a building block for the neurotransmitter that triggers dopamine. The stimulant in chocolate is in the cocoa and greater amounts of tyrosine are found in dark chocolate. In chocolate, the fat from the milk will also trigger dopamine because it's a dairy product. Dark chocolate contains many antioxidants, however too much could harm the liver and cause weight gain. According to, chocolate contains phenylalanine which is related to amino acids. Phenylalanine increases activity and has been proven to relieve depression in 60 percent of depressed patients.