Phytochemical Color Guide
Phytochemicals are what give many fruit and vegetables their bright colors. Carrots are orange because of the presence of carotene, tomatoes are red because of the presence of lycopene and corn is yellow because of the presence of lutein.
Many phytochemicals are antioxidants. They can help to prevent or repair damage to body cells. Phytochemicals can also neutralise carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances, strengthen the immune system and prevent heart disease and cataracts.
Chemical Composition
The chemical structure of phytochemicals, which involves alternating single and double bonds between carbon atoms, is responsible for their color and antioxidant properties. Carotene, which has an empirical formula of C40H55, contains 13 unsaturated bonds. Phytochemicals include carotenoids, flavenoids and indoles.