Decongestant Foods
Onions are legendary in their impact on the senses. They make the eyes water. They can also make the nose run. The strong smell of the onion is effective in breaking up the nasal log jam and giving your airways some breathing room. By eating raw onion or just smelling the scent, sufferers of sinus problems can breathe easier. For those that abhor the taste, mix honey and onion together, and it will go down sweeter.
Mexican chili peppers are also infamous for their nasal passage clearing powers. They can make your eyes water profusely and clear the airways with a small dosage. Chili peppers are also a key ingredient in salsa. Other foods that are highly spicy, such as wasabi, can work similar magic.
Salt Water
Many people find that inhaling salt water and steam work well to soften and loosen up mucus that plugs the nostrils. Do this by inhaling the saline solution through a small pipe or even from your cupped hands. Vapor and steam inhalation can moisturize and break up congestion as well.