Ulcerative Colitis Foods
Chicken is a lighter option to red meat and is easier for the intestines to process. Chicken is an excellent source of protein, with 7 grams of protein per ounce.
Protein content varies from 12 grams per ounce for herring to 23 grams per ounce for salmon. Steaming your fish will keep the vitamins and nutrients intact and offers the healthiest option for ulcerative colitis patients.
Fresh fruits are better than canned fruits. Any type of fresh fruit is fit for ulcerative colitis patients to eat, including oranges, grapes, apples, lemons and bananas. Patients should avoid dried fruits, as they often have additional sugar added and are more upsetting to the intestinal lining than fresh fruits.
Ulcerative colitis patients can usually eat a wide variety of vegetables without intestinal upset. However, some patients report difficulty with nonsoluble fiber like cabbage, broccoli or sweet corn. And when in the midst of an inflammation attack, patients benefit from a reduced-fiber diet, so cutting back on vegetables is helpful.
Some fats, such as those in milk and cheese, are an essential part of a balanced diet. Patients usually find dairy foods that agree with them and avoid dairy foods that give them diarrhea. However, ulcerative colitis patients who are not lactose intolerant often have difficulty with dairy products during an inflammation period, so dairy consumption should be limited during that time.