Acceptable Amount of Sodium Nitrite in a Meal
Sodium nitrite is a preservative added to certain meats, which helps preserve the color and flavor. Nitrites also prevent the growth of the bacteria that causes botulism.-
Dietary Sodium
Too much sodium has been connected with high blood pressure, heart failure, and kidney disease. The United States National Institute of Health states that 2,300 mg of sodium per day is the limit for healthy adults. Those at risk for high blood pressure should consume fewer than 1,500 mg per day.
Sodium nitrite must be listed on nutrition labels as an ingredient and count as part of the sodium content. Most commonly, sodium nitrite is found in cured pork products such as hot dogs, sliced ham, and cured ham.
Controlling Intake
The United States Department of Agriculture recommends eating more fresh food and less processed food to cut down on sodium intake. Foods that are especially high in sodium include pork products, salty chips, canned meals, many soups, pickled foods, and frozen foods.