How to Maintain Virility
Get some exercise. Staying physically fit is one of the best ways to maintain your virility. You don't necessarily need to spend a fortune joining the local gym though. You can take up jogging, do push-ups and sit-ups, or start swimming. Failing any of that, take up a hobby that involves some physical exertion like gardening or dancing.
Change your diet. If you have a poor diet, it can adversely affect your virility, from energy levels to potency. Eat five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day. Avoid over-processed fast food as it is low in the nutrients and vitamins that contribute to a high sperm count. Get a varied balance of the right proteins and carbohydrates; it's important to get the right mix of energy sources from the food you eat to avoid weight gain. Eat lots of fresh fish and seafood, particularly oysters that are high in zinc for potency, and whole grains. Goji berries and ginseng are also good for boosting virility.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and don't smoke. Drinking to excess and smoking have a huge impact on health and virility. Both are bad for almost all of your main internal organs and both may reduce your sperm count and reduce potency.
Take a testosterone supplement. If you don't produce enough of the male sex hormone, perhaps after an illness or operation, talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking a supplement. Various courses can return your hormone levels to normal. Alternatively, talk to a herbalist about alternative medicines and vitamin supplements that can boost levels.