How to Put on Weight for Skinny People
Things You'll Need
- Food
- Scale
- Calculator
Calculate your current BMR (basal metabolic rate) in order to find out how many calories you burn daily. There are many BMR calculators available online, or you can use the free hand formula. For men the formula is (10 X weight in kg) + (6.25 X height in cm) - (5 X age) + 5, for women the formula is (10 X weight in kg) + (6.25 X height in cm) - (5 X age) + 161.
Use the scale to find out your weight. After you weigh yourself, calculate your BMI (body mass index). Your BMI will tell you how underweight you are, and provide an accurate guide for where your weight should be. Identify your ideal weight, then subtract your current weight so you can find out how much weight should be gained. Online BMI charts will calculate the numbers for you, or you can find your BMI by multiplying your weight in pounds by 703 and then by dividing that number by your height squared.
Increase your food intake by 500 calories each day. That could look like an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a latte or eating foods such as nuts or yogurt for snacks to add in protein and healthy fats. There are numerous ways to increase calories, but the best way to ensure healthy weight gain is to aim for 1 to 2 pounds a week. One pound equals 3,500 calories, so by increasing daily caloric intake by 500, you should gain one pound a week.
To ensure optimum health during the weight gain process, a healthy exercise routine should be incorporated into your daily schedule. Bike riding 3 to 4 times a week or taking long walks are easy ways to fit in exercise. If you don't mind working out, going to the gym and lifting weights is a great way to bulk up muscle which adds pounds. Make sure to stick to the routine.