Brain Booster Foods
Dark Chocolate
The darker the chocolate, the higher it is in antioxidants. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits are found in procyanidin, a flavonoid that reduces oxidation and inflammation in the brain and increases blood flow to the brain. Epicatechin, another component of dark chocolate, also helps increase brain blood flow. A study published in the Aug. 28, 2003, edition of the science journal "Nature" looked at the plasma antioxidant levels of 12 people who were given dark chocolate, dark chocolate and milk or milk chocolate. Those who consumed dark chocolate had higher levels of antioxidants one hour later.
Cold-water Fish
Salmon and other cold-water fish can protect your brain and your heart. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, cod, halibut and other cold-water, fatty fish with high omega-3 content can help boost your brain and lower your cholesterol. The fat content in the fish can help break down fat-soluble vitamins so your body can absorb them, according to "Top 12 Brain-Boosting Super Foods" from Doctor's Health Press.
According to a study published in the December 2005 edition of the "Archives of Neurology," seniors who consume fatty fishes can decrease their cognitive decline by 10 percent per year. A second study on pregnant women concluded that women who consumed omega-3 rich fish during the last three months of pregnancy gave birth to infants who scored better on cognitive, sensory and motor development tests.
Wild blueberries can help Alzheimer's patients improve cognitive function and memory. Berries are a great choice for your brain. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and cranberries contain antioxidants. According to Ayurveda for You, blueberries are the highest in antioxidant content, and studies show that consuming them can improve your learning and motor skills. One specific study with Alzheimer's patients concluded that blueberries not only reduced cognitive decline, it could reverse it and improve memory. Wild blueberries were shown to be more effective than cultivated blueberries.
Strawberries get high marks, too. Both quercetin and anthocyanins found in strawberries can reverse brain degeneration, maintain memory and control brain inflammation, according to Doctor's Health Press.
Leafy Greens
Iron-rich spinach can help strengthen your memory. Leafy greens are high in iron, and iron can help strengthen your memory, according to Doctor's Health Press, and iron deficiency can cause memory lapses. Iron is necessary for the creation of red blood cells that transport oxygen to all parts of your body, including your brain. The same study that concluded that blueberries were beneficial in reducing cognitive decline also concluded that spinach was effective in reducing cognitive decline. Other greens such as turnip greens, romaine, kale and dandelion greens are valuable and brain-healthy additions to your salad bowl.