Food Flavorings Containing Diacetyl
Artificial Butter Flavoring
The buttery taste of diacetyl makes it a popular addition to a number of food products, from snack foods to dinner entrees. Companies that use the chemical produce prepared frosting, cookies, crackers, corn chips and gelatin, according to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Some butter-flavored pancake and waffle syrups and cooking products, such as butter-flavored oils and sprays, also contain diacetyl.
Artificial Strawberry Flavoring
The strawberry flavoring added to foods, like yogurt, ice cream and certain fast-food strawberry milkshakes, usually contains diacetyl as one of the chemical ingredients, according to information from the Feingold Association of the United States. Though it rarely contains strawberries, artificial strawberry flavor is widely used because it's a more cost-effective method of adding or enhancing the strawberry flavor in foods.
Artificial Banana Flavoring
The chemical composition of artificial banana flavoring is similar to strawberry flavoring, with diacetyl acting as one of a number of chemicals in the ingredient list, according to The Flavorist Toolbox. Banana flavoring is added to a variety of processed foods calling for the taste and aroma of bananas, including cakes, pudding, frozen foods and pet food.
Dairy Flavoring
A naturally occurring chemical in dairy products like milk and cheese, diacetyl is sometimes added to enhance the flavor of such products, according to information from the United States Department of Labor. Dairy products that use diacetyl include cheese, sour cream and dairy and cheese substitutes.