Honey & Longevity
Famous people in history, such as Venetian nobleman Luigi Cornaro, attributed long, healthy life to the regular consumption of honey. Cornaro attributed his good health to eating a meager diet and using honey as his only sweet. Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher, ate a strict diet of honey and bread and lived to the age of 90.
Internal Health Benefits
Raw honey consists of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other anti-aging properties. According to Naturalnews.com, in his book "The Survivor's Nutritional Pharmacy," Dr. Cass Igram, D.O. writes that raw honey contains natural antimicrobial substances that can be highly effective against internal parasites and bacteria. Additionally, increased honey consumption increases calcium absorption, hemoglobin counts and prevents anemia.
External Health Benefits
When applied externally, enzymes, vitamins and sugars found in raw honey speed up healing of skin damaged by trauma or infection. Honey can be placed on wounds and can be used as an antiseptic to draw out harmful poisons and infections.