Which Fruits & Vegetables Build Bones?
This sweet fruit contains both magnesium and potassium. The average banana contains about 467.28 mg of potassium. Try melting a little dark chocolate over sliced bananas for a tasty dessert.
With 237.11 mg of potassium, an orange is a great choice to build strong bones. Eat oranges whole or toss them in a juicer for a special treat during breakfast.
You can enjoy tomatoes in pastas, salads and salsas. Or try eating them off the vine with basil, olive oil and fresh mozzarella. According to World's Healthiest Foods, the average ripe tomato serves up 399.60 mg of potassium and 19.80 mg of magnesium.
One-half cup of cooked spinach will provide your body with 20 percent of your daily value of magnesium along with 120 mg of calcium. For picky eaters, spinach may go unnoticed when blended into spaghetti sauce or soups.
According to The Institute of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements, one-half cup of pureed avocado contains 35 mg of magnesium. A popular way to enjoy avocados is as guacamole, but they can also me blended into cold smoothies for added nutrition without a big change in flavor.
Consuming one medium baked potato with the skin on will give you 50 mg of magnesium.
One cup of kale, either cooked or raw, provides you with about 9 percent of your daily calcium requirements. Kale can be eaten fresh in salads, or steamed and sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt.
Broccoli contains 21 mg of calcium per one-half cup serving. Steam it and top it with 1.5 oz of shredded cheddar cheese, and you have a delicious side dish that serves up almost 33 percent of your daily calcium.