Protein Powder Substitutes
Low-Fat Chocolate Milk
Chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink. A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that cyclists who drank chocolate milk after a race recovered just as well as those who drank sports drinks. Chocolate milk includes a three-to-one, carb-to-protein, ratio that is ideal for muscle recovery. It is important to drink low-fat milk because fat that is found in homogenized and 2 percent milk slows down the digestion of protein. This means the nutrients have a harder time reaching your muscles.
Skim Milk Powder
Drinks made from skim milk powder contain calcium and protein. Skim milk powder can be inexpensive and easy to find in most grocery stores. It contains calcium and protein. As with chocolate milk, it is important that any milk-based powder be made of non-fat or low-fat milk. Because skim milk powder is tasteless, you can add a few tablespoons to your smoothies or even bake with it.
Egg Whites
Egg protein is often referred to as the "perfect protein." Egg protein is often referred to as the "perfect protein" because 100 percent of the protein in egg whites is retained and used by the body. It also contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Egg whites are also very low in calories. An eight-ounce cup of liquid egg whites has 26 grams of protein, with only two grams of carbs, no fat or cholesterol and only 120 calories.
BCAAs enhance strength and promote fat loss. Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) supplements include leucine, isoleucine and valine. Studies show that supplementing with BCAAs can lead to 35 percent greater muscle mass. They also build cells, repair tissue, and enhance strength and even promote fat loss. BCAAs are often included in protein powders but you can also take them in pill form.