Diet Plan for Cyclists
Effortless Dieting
Monique Ryan, a writer for "Velo News" magazine, says that every cyclist should lose weight before a race. The easiest way to do this is to cut 325 calories from your diet each day and you will lose one-half pound every week.
Justin Belmont of "Bicycling" magazine says that sushi fish has a number of benefits for cyclists. It contains vitamin B and protein, and it is full of omega 3 and fatty acids. Omega 3 is good for circulation and contains anti-inflammatory properties, all of which are beneficial to cyclists.
Pasta and Rice
Pasta and rice are full of carbohydrates. Selene Yeager of "Bicycling" says that brown rice and pasta are more beneficial than white due to the presence of "slow-burning complex carbohydrates" that contain higher concentrations of protein and fiber as well as healthy antioxidants.