Carrot Varieties for Juicing
Juice bertan carrots if you like your juice really sweet. These carrots are much sweeter than most varieties because they contain more sugar. Like other varieties these carrots contain a high amount of beta carotene, vitamin C and calcium. These carrots are dense and crunchy with a deep orange color. Bertan carrots are also very thick in diameter from root to tip, with dark green foliage.
Purple Carrots
Purple carrots, also called Asian carrots, contain a high level of nutrients and even specific antioxidants such as anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is an antioxidant that helps protect cells and strengthen the immune system, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of "Forever Young" and "The Wrinkle Cure." This antioxidant can also be found in acai berries and salmon as well. Purple carrots are similar to berries because they both contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, anthocyanin and vitamin A. The color is dark purple, burgundy or even bluish so the juice is not orange.These carrots have a more spicy flavor compared to other traditional carrots. The foliage is large and dark green, making them easy to pull from the ground. Asian carrots are also thick at the top near the root and thinner towards the tip.
Nantes carrots are usually the main option at most grocery stores. Nantes carrots are widespread because this variety can grow very fast. The carrots sprout within 12 weeks of being planted. These types of carrots are orange and thick in diameter towards the top and thinner toward the tip. Nantes carrots are commonly seen in grocery stores because of its fast growing times. The juice is orange, and these carrots contain a wide assortment of nutrients just like other varieties. Nantes are high in beta carotene, calcium and other minerals. These carrots have a sweet flavor.