Excellent Sources of Vegetarian Protein
Raw almonds are high in protein and calcium. Nuts are beneficial for vegetarians due to their high protein content. Most nuts are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. However, most types of nuts are also high in fat and calories so choose your nuts wisely or eat them in moderation. Buy plain unsalted nuts to reduce the caloric amount. Pine nuts, almonds and walnuts are all good options. Sprinkle a handful of nuts on top of salads or eat a handful of nuts when you're hungry for a snack.
Add legumes to every meal of the day. Legumes, also known as beans, peas, lentils, seeds and sprouts are also excellent sources of vegetarian protein. These foods are high in fiber and other nutrients such as vitamins K and E as well. If possible, eat legumes raw or avoid over-cooking them, as cooking can destroy vital enzymes and nutrients. Add chick peas and kidney beans to your salad on a daily basis. Legumes provide your body with an adequate source of protein if you consistently eat them. Eating legumes once per week is not enough to sustain your body.
The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that spirulina is an excellent source of protein, zinc, vitamin E and other nutrients. Spirulina is a blue-green sea algae found in the ocean. You can buy fresh spirulina or spirulina powder at the health food store. Add this food to your salads or a protein shake in the morning. Raw spirulina has a mild salty taste.
The University of Georgia's Health Center recommends that vegetarians eat tempeh for protein. Tempeh (fermented soybeans) is high in protein, vitamin B2 and magnesium. This food has a rich texture and it's also very filling. Tempeh has a nutty taste and cake-like texture. Chop up tempeh squares and combine this food with spaghetti sauce and noodles. Tempeh is dense enough to totally replace meat and is also high in fiber, which is beneficial for healthy digestion.